Weta Dedicated War Memorial in Wellington


After going to Weta I found out about an exhibition at the Wellington Museum, And I thought I couldn’t pass this up this opportunity even though the museum was about to close in 30 mins, Giving me about 20 mins to get there and hopefully get ten mins to see this impressive exhibit. We made it as planned and the Guard/curator had just closed the exhibition. But long story short he was a very nice guy and let us in.

And I am so grateful that he did, It was so amazing in every respect, the sculptures, and their massive size Wow Peter Jackson and Weta Studios just WOW. But it wasn’t until I saw the nurse piece that it hit me and the sadness of this exhibition. When I saw her I could feel the pain and sorrow all these people went through.Weta MermorialExhibition01 Weta MermorialExhibition02This Piece really hit it home for me about what went down!!!

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It was inspiring as an artist but at the same time it really brought the reality of the wars gone by and the people who suffered at its fate. And because of the magnitude and scale of the Sculptures it really gave this exhibition a powerful view of what happen.

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